We are dedicated to improving the lives of the hearing impaired, one patient at a time. Everything we do is to help people with hearing loss enjoy the sounds, voices, people and conversations in their lives. We take great pride in helping people get back the gift of hearing—there is nothing more gratifying.
I wanted to write and thank you for doing the 'right thing'. It often seems rare for businesses today to adhere to basic human principals of common sense and fairness. CHAC has demonstrated an ability to be above the fray.
Al S.I am very happy with my new hearing aids. I've had them for just two weeks and wear them all day.
Working for 40 years in Hollywood as a recording engineer, I was considered one of the "golden ears" of Capitol Records. But with advanced age (I just turned 78), I was losing my ability to hear well.
Still, I was suspicious of hearing devices, but these are amazing! I have absolutely no physical sensation of anything in my ears. For normal one-on-one conversation, my hearing seems as though it simply has returned to normal. My wife likes them too - not having to repeat two or three times in my good ear.
Thanks Keith, for your expertise. It is much appreciated.
Bob N.Now I can hear my grandchildren!!!
Thank you!
My wife and I came into California Hearing Aid Center, Campbell location, to have my hearing aids adjusted according to my latest audiogram performed at PAMF in Mountain View, CA. Mr. Keith Rios took the audiogram readings and plugged them in his laptop computer and proceeded to adjust my hearing aids. It took Mr. Rios less than 10 minutes to have me hearing better and clearly. Mr. Rios was polite and courteous to me and my wife throughout this proceedings.
Thank you Keith for doing an excellent job at the California Hearing Aid Center.
Dominador R.I just wanted to thank you for your expertise in the testing and selection of appropriate hearing aids for my bilateral hearing loss and tinnitus.
As you know, I've been wrestling with tinnitus and hearing loss since a mortar landed near me in Korea at age 18, and many of the subsequent years had me asking "what?" or "say again" much to the chagrin of people around me.
The combination of your exceptionally good testing technique and selection of appropriate aids has me hearing people and things around me so much better than I have in many many years. I love opera and classical music, and am now playing many of my old CDs again. In opera, when a soprano stretched to the 'e' above high 'c', I wasn't able to hear that note with its purity. Now I can.
And, another important feature of having my new aids is that in a room occupied by a number of people, my aids have allowed me to hear the person with whom I am having a conversation instead of the cacophonous mush that was previously my fare.
Thanks again, Keith, for everything you have done to make my life so much more enjoyable. If you were a woman, I'd give you a hug and kiss.
Don P.Every now and then, something goes right!!
Two weeks and two days after getting my new hearing aids, they were put to a severe test. My younger daughter was having a party. The location was a church hall that had absolutely horrible acoustics - linoleum flooring, bare walls, no sound absorbing materials of any kind and over 100 invited guests. The sounds reverberated from every direction. Conditions couldn't have been much worse.
The important thing is that although the noise level was a little uncomfortable, I was able to clearly understand every conversation around me. Performance of the new hearing aids before and since that time has been highly satisfactory. I might add that they have been quire comfortable - to the point that I occasionally check to make sure I'm wearing them.
The new hearing aids are proving to be an excellent investment!!
Frank M.As you know I have a pair of RIC hearing aids. I have had them for about a month and a half.
Best Christmas present my wife of 46 years and I have every exchanged.... and I've "given her" several expensive fly rods!!
I wear them all the time. I don't know they are there. I don't feel "dressed" unless I have them on. There was no "break-in" period. They were comfortable the minute I put them on. I wanted the demo pair at our first meeting.
Sound is just different...seems more "natural". Music, the TV, restaurant conversation, the "beep" from the microwave, wind noise from the driver's window doesn't interfere with automobile conversation... and I can keep my eyes on the road because I'm not turning my head to read my wife's lips.
My wife is disappointed however. She says even though my hearing has improved dramatically... I don't listen any differently.
You have improved the lives of two old people. Thanks!!
George P.I want to thank Mr. Rios for helping me to see all that I've been missing. Since my hearing loss has happened so gradually over the years, I had no idea how bad it had actually gotten. After my consultation with Mr. Rios, I was amazed at all that I have been missing.
Since I received my hearing aids I am a new person. I find myself looking forward to attending social gatherings rather than dreading them. I feel young again and at 87 that is truly a miracle.
Rita S.Thanks so much to all the people at California Hearing Aid Center. I can watch TV now without the volume up so high that it annoys others. I can actually hear conversations without having to guess what's being said. All the people at California Hearing Aid Center were very nice and helpful. Thanks again!
RussellSpeech was so much better for me because I had a better understanding with these hearing aids and I have worn hearing aids now for 6 years. I always had trouble with consonants, like c's and t's if I was listening to a show like Wheel of Fortune, but now I can understand those so that is a huge plus for me.
Texie C.Finally having the volume on the TV normal for my wife is pretty cool. And to stream the TV sound wirelessly, without having a cord hanging over me, feels very free and natural for me.
Steve E.